
whenever there is a little paper and
for christmas. He and Max bonded. This is
her paralyzed with happiness pose. See the
smile on her face.
Here is the tree. As I mentioned earlier,
this holiday was not about presents. The only
gifts here are for Jake, and Pajama's for everyone
else. I wrapped them in newspaper and twine.
Of course Uncle Dave and cousin Jack
had a blast shopping for him. His first
gift was a, "Hello Kitty wallet". Fun
to tease the nephew who did his 3rd grade
report on General Patton and wants to join
the marines and then be a cop.
It is a
H A P P Y---W I N T E R
in bunnies lunch room.
Everything here is recycled from props and
paper, glass, ribbon, string, buttons, pompoms,
frame, fabric, batting.... from our
shop and my studio full of stuff.
It is cozy and quaint. I call it a charlie
brown christmas...done on a shoe string.
My sister and I spent a week on this...
It was a blast...she got tired of stringing
pompoms for the windows though...
I found a box of these unscented prayer candles
in my studio. It was adorned with a sticky labeled
picture of a saint. I removed the label,covered in
muslin, a stamp, ribbon and button. I paid $1.00
for these last year.
banners and swags are made from old recipe
cards, paper stock, string and clothes pins.
Life buoy recyced prop. We strung pompoms
on thread and hung in windows to look like
more snowboys
Table decorations...Old book pages
cover tin cans. Berries from my yard.
a bag of moss from my shed. Paper
flowers i made from card stock and book
pages,wire...Put together with the ever
present...handy glue gun.
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