
Gearing up....

Really I should quit
while I am ahead.
In the middle of another post
and hit one wrong button.
There is a draft somewhere
that I can't get to.
One more time.
I am going to see this wee angel tonight.
...and this is the goal.
But I have memories of a couple of,
"melt downs", from this little peanut.
Reminiscent of a cross between this
and this...
But I have had a weeks worth 
of great sleep...so I am ready.

One more thought.
I keep thinking this colicy
thing is the formula.
do you think Milk will
make Sam look like this
by the time he is 22?

may be we should try this...

Or we could trade in ole Blue here.

For a pet that works for it's food


Brenda said...

So cute, and funny :) He is def a hybrid of bird/terradactyl. Fingers crossed for no meltdowns tonight.

mari said...

he's adorable! enjoy you time with him.

Honey Lamb and I said...

That may be the sweetest baby I have ever seen!!! So sweet! ~Shelley