
Ahoy Mate

For my little 4" bunnies I need small prints.
No such thing...especially in stripes.
So I made my own.  Using a lovely brand 
new with tags on T shirt my sister had in a bag
to go to the goodwill...I drew on blue stripes for 
my, "french sailor top."

...1 word...


A bientot! J'espe're te revoir bientot!

(see you soon)


andrea creates said...

moi aussi ;)
very cute bunny and clever shirt!!

Deb H said...

Absolutely darling!

gretchen said...

Such a cute and dapper LITTLE hopper!

fleacircusdesign said...

Where did you get the bunny and is your house still for sale? Where is it?

natalia Carlota vallejos said...

bellisimo amiga!!!!

Brenda said...

Adorable! LOVE him!

Lydia said...

Love your bunny!